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Two actions teams should take right now

Not despite geopolitical chaos*, but because of it, there are two key actions teams should take now to prepare for the future.

We’re all powerless when it comes to controlling geopolitical events. But we are all powerful when it comes to controlling our own future.

Don’t give this power away waiting to see what happens — when you can be deciding NOW what will happen in your world. For example, if you are waiting to see the impact of AI on your industry, it’s too late already.

Two actions to help prepare for whatever comes up:

  1. GET IN SYNC. The best prepared teams have parts working as one. Over a period of five months, 60,000 termites with a clear vision and constant interaction eat one foot of a 2x4 beam. If they can do that without a leader, what could a human team do if they held on to the same vision, with the same motivation, in were in constant contact?

    Don’t tolerate being ‘siloed,’ where  each sector deals with their issues in isolation. Call, write, check in, visit, set common goals.

  2. WEED OUT PESSIMISTS. A recent Gallop poll found that 83% of business leaders report workplace pessimism / negativity their #1 problem.

    Listen to the pessimist’s ideas, of course, but if all you hear is: “ain’t broke don’t fix it, always done it that way, that’ll never work,” it’s time to limit their power.

    Only with optimism can possibilities be seen and a future be invented. Our own research shows that over a three-month period, pessimism can be replaced with either neutral or optimistic thinking.

You can choose: to be the fear or be the courage, to fight the future or feel the promise, to wait for the worst or prepare for the best. Get in sync and weed out pessimists now.

* Collins Dictionary word of the year was “Permacrisis” and the WEF Global Risks Report outlines our “polycrisis” and knowledge is now doubling every nine months