The sap from the Chechén tree.
One of the only antidotes to the poisonous black-sap from the Méxican chechén tree is nectar from another tree called chaca, which grows very near it. From this Mayan legend* has grown the lore that in the wild, every poison is accompanied by an antidote within the radius of human vision.
For example, for poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac, the jewelweed grows nearby. The antidote ‘horsetail plant’ grows very near ‘stinging nettle.’ I believe that these seemingly opposite and contradictory elements aren’t limited to the physical realm. They form the basis for psychological growth and healing.
The chechén and chaca trees side by side.
Last week, Kriya yogi Eric Klein ( gave us a powerful reminder at meditation: “whatever is in your way, IS your way.” Whatever annoys us is our gift, and points to the direction we need to move. Rather than be upset, one gives thanks for the opportunity. Yeah right!? Actually, yes. That attitude removes reactivity and allows room for responsiveness and growth.
Today, on Father's Day, our meditation focused on the gifts of the father. Our work was to honor our fathers for their gifts, and return to them the healing energy that we received. What was revealed for me was that the pain I had experienced was accompanied by concomitant strengths that helped heal the damage. Both the poison and the antidote were available to me as a singular gift.
My father was funny, outrageous, curious, and bold. He also had bipolar disorder and took his own life over 50 years ago. Most of my early life was focused on trying to help him out of his depressions or being confused and hurt by his aggressions. The last memory I have of him was watching him die, desperately trying to keep him alive.
Today I’m grateful to my dad for the depth of hurt, confusion and pain that I’ve been able to incorporate and use in my healing work. His strengths became my aids as I fashioned hurts into strengths ... into white flowers.
Given that every poison is accompanied by it’s antidote, move beyond limiting poison and give gratitude for the antidote. This is your strength.
*In the Mayan legend, two warrior princes, brothers of enormous strength and skill, were of opposite natures. The younger brother Kinich, was kind and loved by all. The older brother Tizic was filled with hate. They both fell in love with the same woman, Nicte-Ha and declared a battle to death for her hand.
The battle tore the earth in half and the heavens went into hiding, and ended with the brothers dying in each other’s arms. After death, they begged the gods for forgiveness, and to return to the living and see Nicte-Ha again.
Tizic was reborn as the poisonous Chechén; Kinich was reborn as the Chaca, whose nectar neutralizes Chechen’s poison. They both watch over Nicte-Ha, who died of grief but was restored to life as a beautiful white flower.