
How to Procrastinate Well

If you’re going to do something, do it 100%. If you are going to procrastinate, do it 100% so it becomes a pure activity.

If you a) avoid an unwanted task by procrastinating and b) do something rather pleasant and mildly fulfilling during that time (tidy up, make labels, make another cup of tea) you are double-dipping into the Rewards Jar with both positive and negative reinforcement at play.

Procrastination. If procrastination is causing you problems, it might be because you make it so rewarding. Whatever you find rewarding will be repeated. Here’s an escape route for you.

Getting it Done

If you are working hard but not accomplishing much... but I hope you’re not working today ... there could be three simple tweaks you can make to your system that could double your volume within three months. I’m not a time management or productivity expert,  but I can help otherwise creative and intelligent people move past their own psychological blocks.

Whether you are trying to write a novel, make more successful sales calls, or complete an important project, these pointers on how to control time and life snatchers will help.