The Trump-Clinton-Sanders Triangle

Triangles, tangles, and blocks are psychological strategies used to divert energy, de-focus, and stop the movement. They work best amidst vague and un-prioritized goals, fuzzy communication, and those lacking in emotional skills. 


The Triangle is in full force. 

a. The Bully or 'Bad Guy' attacks.

b. The Victim is threatened and adopts the role of mistreated and misunderstood victim. This Victim is the central character in the game, without whom the Triangle would not exist. Their Identifying Phrases are: “It’s not fair.”  and “Look what they are doing to us.” 

c. Victims rely on another character to complete the triangle: A Rescuer or Hero who plays the 'Good Guy.' The Hero or Rescuer’s role is to listen, sympathize and optionally to fix the situation.  

d. If Rescuers can’t or won’t play the Role, the Victim will shift to Bully mode and attack both the Rescuers and attack the Bully. The Triangle is constantly shifting among Sanders, Clinton and Trump, and nobody is stopping it.

Bullies can play their roles only as long as there are Victims.

1. The worst thing that a Victim can do is to become a bully and attack back. Late advice for Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush: “It’s the Bully’s game. Don’t go there.” Sanders, and Clinton, you’re both getting sucked in to his playing field. You will never win.   

2. Never ever play the Victim game, not even with your staff. Of course “it’s not fair.” 

3. Play your own game using your own natural skill and talent. Clinton, you’re a strategist. Bernie, you’re a radical  idealist. What strategies can you push to expose the Bully in his oh-so-obvious weaknesses? That's your game, play it. Play it so that the Nation becomes the Rescuer and helps you out, not because you’re playing Victim but because deep down we really don't like Bullies. If you play it right, play your own game and let the nation help you out.